I simply fail to understand people who are selfish i mean umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu. Which world are they living in? in that everything they do revolves around themselves only. It sickens me to go through what I am going through, the minute i finally find happiness and within a split second it's taken away from you. I sobbed for two days then i realised that its not okay to sob for something that is not yours. oh well I'm human after all with emotions, I'm allowed to cry. There's an Empty void, i feel miserable having to go through this time of the festive season is not cool. Its absurd really when you don't even have a anybody to talk to. I really don't know what 2015 has in stores for me because 2014 has been Fun but ended with SAD note.
MY 2015
- I will definately dream big.
- Put my happiness first
- Play by the rules
- Give back
- Focus on me
- Leave room for disappointment
- achieve my objectives
- Know my weaskness
great article